Contact us to maximize your parental leave
If you are employed in the State of California and are looking for a maternity leave consultant, please contact Milk Your Benefits to set up a phone consultation.
Before contacting me, please verify that you are eligible for a leave of absence and that you pay into the CA SDI (disability) program through paycheck deductions. The Milk Your Benefits service is not geared for those who are self-employed.
The ideal time to schedule a consultation is when you or your partner are at least six months pregnant. This is when employers are prepared to discuss leave specifics, and it ensures that we have the most current information about your pregnancy and maternity leave benefits on hand. A maternity leave plan is not usually needed prior to the last trimester.
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Milk Your Benefits reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
PLEASE NOTE THIS DISCLAIMER: CONSULT AN ATTORNEY OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL FOR ALL OF YOUR LEGAL NEEDS. THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE FROM MILKYOURBENEFITS.COM AND/OR ITS EMPLOYEES, OWNERS, OR REPRESENTATIVES IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE, NOR IS IT INTENDED TO BE. It is designed to guide users through the generalities of employment benefit procedures. The application of law varies with an individual's specific circumstances. As laws are constantly changing, consult a specialist lawyer for professional assurance that any information or interpretation of it is accurate, current, and applicable to your situation. makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in or linked to this website, or otherwise conveyed in connection with it.